Geocells - Soil Retaining Structure

Geocells - Soil Retaining Structure

Geocells - Soil Retaining Structure


Terram Series 500 geocell: 20/01, 20/06, 20/08. 20/10, 20/12, 20/14, 20/16 & 20/18

Terram Series 500 Geocell provides a flexible and cost-effective alternative to conventional earth retention structures and can be installed almost vertically by placing one horizontal cellular layer on top of another, previously filled layer. 

The Series 500 geocell is fabricated from permeable geotextile which means that the deep cell walls give no potential for cracking, spalling, splintering or corrosion associated with concrete, steel and timber facings.

The system consists of 0.58m wide x 0.53m long x 250mm cells, supplied as compact panels which are expanded on site to form a honeycomb area of cells measuring 10.6m x 5.5m and weighing 28kg.

The cells can be filled with a wide range of fill materials including site-won materials (if suitable), topsoil, sand, aggregates and concrete.

The cellular panels can be used to form the face or they can be used to face a composite wall in conjunction with horizontal reinforcement elements such as geogrids or with soil nails, rock bolts or helical anchors.

One further facing detail is to form a horizontal terracing which allows vegetative cover to be cultivated in topsoil-filled cells.

Terram Series 500 Geocell applications include:

  • Steep slopes
  • Dams and flood bunds
  • Retention bunds
  • Green walls
  • Culvert head walls
  • Sound bunds